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Shopping News

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Lets talk Shopping

How are all you shoppers out there? I hope happy! This is the season, you know the good old christmas shopping time. Now I am a man and everyone lookes at me asking, hey you are a man and you love shopping? Yes I do!!! I love shopping,shopping for me,shopping for you,shopping with my wife,shopping with the kids, If it's shopping I am there. Now that it is that time of year lets talk about were to shop, when to shop,keeping yourself safe from shopping scams, and the big one were are the deals? First lets talk were to shop. Everyone knows about the malls,yes the malls they are a great place to go to for fun, eating, looking around,meeting all your friends, Thats all great but if you are looking to safe money not always the place. The biggest place to safe in the mall is J.C.Penneys. Now the outlet stores are one places to go when you want to save some money. We will talk about some of these stores and how much you can save and when to go in my next post. If you have any comments on need to know something go to comments and let me know.

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