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Shopping News

Friday, September 28, 2007

Have Been Working To Get Myself Back IN Shap

Hello Shoppers,
As you my know, I was in a bad car accident and have been working hard to get back going again. Well with all the help of the doctors they have found that My back has been hurt, my shoulder and neck. So I will be going through a lot of thing a long the way. Yes I will be keeping up with my blogs and my radio shows and even more. Just keep your eye on this blog for more good shopping tips to come. I will also have other blogs and radio shows about anything that you would like to talk about and there is a lot of things out there to talk about so stay tune. meanwhile, STAY SHOPPING!!

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Cows Braking Wind What?

Hello Shoppers,
I thought I would share this with all of you red meat eaters. I was watching CNN like I do most of the time, when they stated to talk about if you eat red meat.

Here it is, if you eat red meat you are helping to bring globule worming up. Yes I said, if you eat red meat you are helping to make the world get hotter.

Here is why, they are saying that the more cows that are out there the more greenhouse gas there is out there. Why? Because of the cows braking wind yes, FARTING.

Now why is this? They are saying that the cows farting has gas in it that is making the earth worm up. Lets get real, what about milking cows, do we need to stop drinking milk too? Next it will be pigs farting and us farting. These people must be vary bored or they are not meat eaters and are trying to stop all meat eaters. What do you think? Let me know. And Remember, STAY SHOPPING!!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Jerry Is Back, After His Car Accident

Hello Shoppers,
Yes I am back, on the 08/22/07 I had a big car accident and I am now going through everything with it. But glad to be back and looking foreword to doing some more shop talk. I will be on my talk show tonight at 7:30 EST on http://blogtalkradio.com/shoppingbroker and will be talking all about it. Tell Then, STAY SHOPPING!!