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Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Discount Stores The Big Savings

Now we are getting into the big savings,Discount Stores! We all remamber the blue light spiecal well maybe some of us do not wanting to tell are age. So for the ones that don't know the blue light spiecal it was a saying from K-Mart back in the day. What it was ,is that K-Mart had a little cart with a blue light on the top of the long pole that was on this cart. When they was going to have a sale on an product they would park this cart by the product turning the blue light on. Then announce to you that they were having a blue light spiecal sale in the store. Discount stores have been around for along time, Zayre was one of the first back in 1956. There was Skagway now Skaggs, Cooks, Sam's and the Big K stores not to be confused with the Big K-Mart. Big K stores were all sold to now Wal-Mart stores in the late 60's. Discount stores are low price stores that most of us go to now. Discount Stores are low price stores because they have almost everything and can make up for the priceing in all areas. Wal-Mart is the big one and then it gos down from there. Now there is a Century 21 discount store in New York,with designer merchandise every day at 25% to 75% off. With XMAS comeing up these are one of the bigest stores to shop at. Go to all the stores and just have fun. Remamber while you are out there keep it real and have respect for your fellow shoppers. My next post will be on the scary internet shopping. As always if you have any comments or need to know something write to me on the comment part on this blog.

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