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Sunday, November 18, 2007

Its That Time Of The Year Again

Hello Shoppers,
Yes its that time of the year again, you know the time that white breded old man that wares that red and white coat and hat and gos around the world in one night giving all the good boys and girls gifts. Yes that is the time of year I am talking about. So I hope everyone has been doing a little good, any type of good the you do will count. So when you go out to shop this year please remember to let that good that is in you come out, I feel the good should come out all year long.

The thing is that if we would think that this time of year is every day then we would be doing more hugging and less hurting our follow humans. I do my best to think that way, and I know how hard it is out there in this world. I have been down in the dumps and homeless not knowing were my next meal was going to come from, its not fun and it makes things bad for you. At this time of year I always look back thank god that I was able to get myself out of the way I was living back then. I did all the drugs and drinking never thought I would make it out, but I was able to keep going and took a look at what was keeping me in the dumps and being homeless and that was the drugs and drinking. And I raised 4 kids that was homeless with me.

The thing that got me out of that life is on one xmas day, because of my drugs and drinking my kids did not get the things that they wanted from that white breded old man. So my kids thought that they were bad kids, I told them they were not bad that I was the one that was bad. I took a good look at myself and said this must stop, I stopped my drugs and drinking and worked my way out of that life, it was very hard but I did get out of it and I never head any of my kids say that they were bad again. I thank god every day for helping me to get out of that life. Now my kids are all grown up now. My youngest is 25 now and they all are doing good, every year at this time I think about that xmas day when my kids thought they were bad because that white breded old man did not give them anything that they wanted.

So keep in mind that there are kids out there that think they are bad because the white breded old man did not give them anything that they wanted. So all I ask is that if you are able to give or help in anyway please do. My life is good now and I give when ever I can, because I do know how bad it can be out there. And if you are in that hole start digging yourself out the bast way that you can. There is help out there believe it or not, you just need to be real about getting out.

Now lets talk about the things I have planed to talk about and in upcoming post. I will be doing the 12 months of deal shopping. And remember I have a talk show on Blog Talk Radio, just go to the right of this page and go down to the Jerry's Talk Show button and click on the button and you go right to my Internet talk show. Call in and talk with me live. until next time remember, STAY SHOPPING!!

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